Ways to Give to USNH
There are many ways to give to USNH. To keep this congregation vital and thriving, we need the time, talent, and treasure of all who participate.
To learn more about the many ways you can be involved in the life of the congregation, check out the pages on our main menu or email our Connections Coordinator, Libby Makela-Johnson, at membership@usnh.org.
There are also many ways to financially support this congregation, from making donations to the offertory on Sunday mornings, pledging financial support for the operating budget, contributing to special causes as they arise, donating to the USNH endowment, and planning a legacy gift.
This document shares a variety of ways to maximize your giving through tax-savvy planning. As always, we recommend that you consult your financial advisors about your options.
Pledging and paying your pledge can be confusing to the newcomer. Get all the details at this page.
However you can contribute to the life and financial health
of this congregation, you are welcome here!