Speaker: Sunny Joy McMillan

Awakening, Even in Darkness

In her recent sermon on “The Inexhaustible Yes,” Rev. Kathleen McTigue encouraged us to grow our capacities for resilience and courage. This may feel like a tall order in these post-election days, but Dr. Lisa Miller, a professor in the clinical psychology program at Columbia University, provides one possible solution. Through her research, she has … Continue reading Awakening, Even in Darkness

“How I Spent My Summer Vocation”

My summer as a Chaplain Intern at a large hospital south of Seattle gave me experience in so much more than the provision of spiritual care, and I look forward to sharing it all in my first sermon back at USNH after my summer break!  Led by Sunny Joy McMillan

“From One Life to the Next”

Reflecting on the Hindu classics, Ralph Waldo Emerson observed, “Transmigration of souls: that too is no fable.” Emerson is apparently not alone in his sentiments–belief in reincarnation has appeared since the beginning of religious history, and it continues to capture the imagination, with research suggesting that 40% of U.S. adults under 30 now believe in reincarnation. Today, … Continue reading “From One Life to the Next”

An Impermanent Firmament- A Multi-generational Solstice Service

As long as human beings have surveyed the heavens and survived the cold of winter, they have faced, and celebrated, the time of Solstice and the shortest day of the year. So, too, this long tradition at USNH–with music, story, meditation and reverie, this is a service that helps us navigate the challenges, and beauty, of … Continue reading An Impermanent Firmament- A Multi-generational Solstice Service

Let’s Get Primal

When we look at current events, it can be easy to see the world as a big, scary battleground. Inspired by current research in psychology around primal world beliefs, we will explore not only how our beliefs about the world impact our experience in it, but also how the plasticity of belief can support more peace, … Continue reading Let’s Get Primal