How to Pledge and Ways to Give
How to Pledge
You can pledge online or download a paper pledge form and bring or mail it in.
Consider what USNH means to you and your family and your financial circumstances to determine the right pledge for you. For context, pledges to USNH range from $10 a year to more than $20,000 a year. The median pledge (half at or below and half at or above) is $1,200 a year. If your circumstances do not permit a pledge in any amount, simply check the waiver box on the pledge form. Everyone is welcome at USNH!
Plan a Payment Schedule that Works for You
- Pre-pay for the year when you make your pledge in the spring during the stewardship campaign. You must note that your pledge is for the coming fiscal year for it to be properly credited.
- Pay in full at any time throughout the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).
- Pay regular weekly, monthly or quarterly installments throughout the fiscal year.
- Make payments on an irregular schedule – it’s up to you!
Choose Your Payment Method
- Personal check(s) – always write Pledge in the memo line
- Cash – put in an envelope with your name, the amount, and that it is for your pledge
- Cash donations to the Sunday offering are not credited to your pledge unless clearly identified as such
- Automatic payments to USNH from your bank
- No processing fees for USNH
- Easy to set up with your bank – include Pledge in the category or note
- Credit card through Breeze Giving or PayPal
- Convenient for you and fully secure
- USNH pays a processing fee; please consider helping to cover that cost
- Go to Donate on the USNH home page to make payments.
- Breeze Giving is the preferred online giving platform. If you use PayPal, please consider switching to Breeze.
- A Qualified Charitable Distribution from a retirement account.
- Depending on your circumstances, this method can have favorable tax consequences.
- Gifts of securities
- Donations of appreciated securities can be a cost-effective way to contribute to USNH. When you transfer ownership of holdings to USNH, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value—and you incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits.)
Important Pledge Policies
- Donations to USNH without a clear indication of their purpose are considered unrestricted gifts. Please always indicate that your donation is for your pledge. If you set up automatic payments through your bank and you can’t include a note or category, email the office (, letting Jamie know that you have arranged for regular pledge payments through your bank.
- Pledge payments are credited to the fiscal year in which they are made, unless the donor specifies otherwise. If you prepay (before July 1) or finish your pledge late (after June 30), note the fiscal year for which you intend your payment or contact Jamie to clarify.
- You do not have to be a member to make a pledge to USNH! If your values align with USNH’s and you would like to support USNH financially, you are welcome to pledge at any time. Non-members who pledge are considered pledging friends.
- Members are expected to affirm their membership each year by completing a pledge form. Those whose circumstances do not allow a financial pledge should check the box for a waiver. Members who do not complete a pledge form or make a payment towards their pledge for two consecutive years will be removed from membership, after multiple attempts to contact them. If you no longer wish to be a member of USNH, please let the office know (
You may always confidentially contact the Stewardship team by emailing