USNH Choir

The USNH Choir, 40+ members strong, is an inclusive non-auditioned group that is open to all interested adult singers – all you need is a willingness to attend rehearsal and a love of music!  Under the direction of Christopher Grundy, Director of Music at USNH, the Choir sings a wide variety of music from world folk  and contemporary choral music to favorites of the classic choral repertoire. We’ve sung major works by Bach, Vivaldi, Copland, Fauré, Vaughan Williams, Carol Barnett, Paul Winter, and many others. Recent repertoire has ranged from Woody Guthrie to traditional South African choral music to the music of contemporary choral composers such as Stephen Paulus and Jake Runestad.

If you would like to give the choir a try, please e-mail Christopher Grundy

Special Musical Events

The Haven String Quartet, classical string quartet in residence, holds performances at USNH two to three times a year, and plays at several Sunday services.

We invite local musicians to perform concerts in our “Sundays at Four” Concert Series.

USNH is the home base for the Connecticut Women’s Chorus, “Another Octave,” which often sings in our services on special occasions.

Take a look at our Calendar page to get the latest on upcoming performances and other special musical events!