Gifts to the USNH Endowment and Legacy Giving
The USNH endowment is a collection of investments managed to provide a permanent source of income for the benefit of this congregation. The donated principal remains intact in perpetuity, and a portion of the total return (dividends, interest and appreciation) is drawn each year to support the operating budget and occasionally for specific purposes.
The endowment provides a stable income stream for the Society, funding new initiatives in good times and meeting critical needs during difficult times. The endowment is overseen by the Endowment and Legacies Committee, which is elected by the Congregation (see committee membership below).
Contributions of cash, securities, real estate, and marketable personal property such as artwork, antiques or jewelry are welcome. If desired, gifts to the endowment may be made in honor or memory of a special family member or friend.
In addition, bequests and any type of legacy gift may be specified for the endowment (click here for information on various types of legacy gifts).
Please note that the donor must specify in writing their intention for their donation to be added to the USNH Endowment. Only donors may make this determination.
The Legacy Society for USNH
The Legacy Society for USNH recognizes the intentions of members and friends who have arranged a bequest or other type of legacy gift of any size that will benefit USNH in the future. The Legacy Society also honors the generosity of individuals who have left bequests or made other legacy gifts to USNH in the past. In addition, The Legacy Society recognizes donors who have made gifts to the endowment fund totaling $10,000 or more.
If you are making a pledge to the endowment fund or have planned a legacy gift to USNH, we would like to welcome you to the Legacy Society for USNH. You may download the Legacy Society intention form by clicking here.
For more information
Contact the Endowment and Legacies Committee by emailing for more information. We will be happy to discuss your interests and answer your questions. You may also download our brochure for a full explanation of endowment and legacy giving.
We encourage you to consult with your financial advisors about the tax implications of making outright and legacy gifts to USNH.
As a religious organization, USNH is considered a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and all gifts are tax-deductible.
Endowment and Legacies Committee: Fred Morrison (Chair), Greg Seaman (Treasurer), Carol Cheney, Bob Congdon, Linda Mehta