Small Group Ministry
Small Group Ministry (SGM) provides a more personalized opportunity to examine the meaning of spirituality in your life and to join others in the search for connection and understanding. Newcomers and long-time members find it to be a good way to get to know a few people better, particularly in a large congregation like ours. Most small groups meet during a fall and a spring semester, lasting approximately four months, with groups meeting at regular intervals throughout each month. Please Email for more information or to get involved.
The Small Group Ministry Covenant
Each Small Group will begin the semester by developing a group Covenant, or agreement about how they will share space. The general covenant is below, and will be either adopted "as is", or shaped to meet the specific needs of each Small Group. Members and facilitators of each Small Group Ministry will agree to the covenant and will gently call each other back into covenant as needed during SGM meetings and when communicating with each other outside of meetings.
Small Group Ministry Covenant
- I will listen with my heart; I will speak from my heart.
- If I don’t feel like speaking, I have the right to pass.
- What is said here stays here; I will respect confidentiality
- I will not treat this as group therapy, although our time together is therapeutic
- I will allow others to speak without interruption.
- I will practice deep listening and will create space for others to speak.
- I will honor time for quiet reflection
- I will not give unsolicited advice
- I will treat others with respect and without judgment
- I will honor the diversity of thoughts, feelings, and values among us
Spring 2025 Small Group Offerings
Please email with questions of for more information.
In Times Such as These - Gwen Heuss Severance
2nd Wednesdays, 7-8:30 on Zoom
Returning Small Groups:
Religious Ethics in Modern Times – Jesse Greist
1st Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm IN PERSON at USNH (Library)
UU Mystics – Sunny McMillan
3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm IN PERSON AT USNH (with option to join online)
Buddhist Cinema – Jack Nork and Gretchen Frazier
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm on Zoom
Buddhist Meditation and Practice in the West - Leigh Powers
1st and 3rd Mondays, from 7-9pm IN PERSON at USNH
Reflective Explorations for Women - Jean Rosenthal
3rd Wednesdays, from 7-8:30PM on Zoom
Transitions and Transformations - Joanie Messner
Various Tuesday afternoons (write for specific days/times)