Sunday Morning Team
Do you enjoy meeting new people? Cooking, baking, or serving delicious food? How about organizing creative, festive events that promote the spirit of community and help people meet new friends? If these things sound like fun, the Sunday Morning Team is for you! The Sunday Morning Team is a large and vital ministry within USNH that provides important support on Sundays and beyond. Together, every Sunday we greet members and visitors; usher; supervise coffee hour; and welcome and direct new visitors. We also organize monthly pot luck soups, or snacks or salads on the first Sunday of each month, and assist in planning the well-loved annual fundraiser, the Chocolate Auction.
We also work closely with the USNH Membership Team to help increase membership, welcome visitors and assisting with new member activities. We are always welcoming new members to our Team. Please email us at to find out more or to plan to attend one of our friendly meetings.