Finance and Endowment & Legacies
The Finance and Endowment and Legacies Committees work to realize the USNH mission of “inspiring lives of compassion and generosity.”
The Finance Committee, together with USNH’s Treasurer and Book-keeper, supports our Management Team in USNH financial matters. We help create a realistic and inclusive budgeting process that aligns with and supports USNH’s values, support our staff and volunteers in identifying and realizing cost savings, help make sure our financial recording and reporting is as accurate as possible, and educate our community about USNH’s finances.
The Endowment and Legacies Committee works to grow our congregation’s endowment through encouraging bequests and legacies, and also supports the vital work of our community by making an annual contribution of 2% of the endowment’s value. We are careful to provide maximum transparency to our community about our financial standing, while protecting the confidentiality of individual members’ finances and estate plans.