Be Longing, by Jesse Greist
Longing for brevity
Longing for levity
Longing for short cuts to YouTube longevity
Longing for the win without going to practice
A short sighted gulf scribed on re-written atlas
Longing for quick time, instant gratification
To build things like buildings is short term edification
Elongating these stanzas reveals ee shortcomings
E longing for love opens us to downloaded fraud things
Be longing
be thronging
Group songing
Ping ponging back and forth, with no final destination
This nation’s shortchange is a panhandled vacation
We’re longing for something
Something tiny and precious
Short lived in the mind but guaranteed to refresh us
It’s out there we know
Hiding just past our worries
Crisp and clean as the snow
But can’t wade through the flurries
Stop longing! You’re only shorting yourself
There’s no belonging that comes from great wealth
Belonging is never “you’re all in except me”
It’s shorthand for knowing I fall before we.