There is a large parking lot near the main entrance of our building at 700 Hartford Turnpike in Hamden, with designated spaces close to the building and a ramp for people who have accessibility concerns. Parking is
not available on Hartford Turnpike.
Our church building has three levels.
You may enter the Main Level via the front steps or via a ramp (to the right of the front door). There are no steps to enter the Sanctuary and Social Hall, which are on this level along with a coatroom and the kitchen. The women’s and gender neutral restrooms, offices, classrooms and library are on the Upper Level, which is reachable by a lift. The men’s restroom and the Sunday morning childcare room are on the Lower Level which is also reachable via the lift. There are no additional steps on either level. Assistive listening devices and large print bulletins are available from the ushers. In the Sanctuary, there are several spots set aside for wheelchairs and an usher will be happy to help with any needs you may have.
What to Wear – Come as You Are
We encourage you to dress as you feel comfortable. The majority of our members dress casually compared with other communities, though some do enjoy dressing up for the service. Children especially are encouraged to wear clothes that allow free movement.
Before the Service
People often arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the services, and gather in the Main Level foyer to greet one another. In the foyer you’ll find our Welcome Table, where you’ll be invited to fill out a Visitor Form, receive a nametag, and you can get your children set for Religious Education or childcare. There are brochures and information available at the Visitor Table and in wall racks, and restrooms are nearby.
The Social Hall, which is off the left side of the foyer, is where coffee, tea, juice and snacks are served after each service.
Children and Youth
Children begin in the service with their parents most Sundays, and are welcome to stay if the family prefers – but we encourage you to take advantage of the learning, inspiration and joy available in our Children’s Religious Education classes. Visiting children are welcome; for your child’s safety, we will ask you to fill out a newcomer form. Our
“Learning for Children” page tells you everything you need to know about our classes, teachers, curriculum and activities. Check out our “
Learning for Youth” page to discover religious education options for high school age students.
Worship Service
Our services usually include instrumental music and singing, a time for meditation or prayer, and a sermon or reflection. We have a wonderful choir and special guest musicians. Each Sunday we share joys and sorrows, and an offering is taken to support all the ministries of this congregation. Services run 60-75 minutes in length. As you enter the Sanctuary, an usher will give you an Order of Service; hymnals are provided at the seats. If you need hearing support you can obtain an assistive listening device, and large print Orders of Service and hymnals also are available. Our services are typically led by our minister, but may also be led by a lay leader with a pulpit guest, or by lay teams from within the congregation.
After the Service
“Follow the crowd” after the service for refreshments and conversation in our Social Hall. Here you can get a glimpse of the various groups that are active in our congregation and meet some wonderful USNH members and friends.
Newcomer Questions
After each service, our Connections Coordinator is available to answer any of your questions and help you find your way around the congregation. We hope you’ll stop by even if you don’t have specific questions, and take advantage of the opportunity to start “getting connected” at USNH.
click here to fill out a visitor form so that we can answer any of your questions and add you to our email list for weekly newsletters.