Our Leadership and Governance
A Quick Overview
USNH is governed by and for its members, as we strive to work together and live out our core values of “justice, connection, generosity, compassion, and spirituality.” Two governing bodies, the Board of Trustees and the Management Team, are responsible for the day-to-day and long-range operations of our community, with input from the Council of Chairs. In accordance with our Fifth Principle, which encourages “the use of the democratic process within our congregations,” every member of USNH also has a voice. Come to a congregational meeting and let yours be heard!
Board of Trustees

Kathy Haskins, Joan Ciano, Tom Ward, Bobbi Pace, Christine Shadle, Sue Trotta-Smith, Alissa Chapin, Kyle Manning. Click here to see Board members and terms of office.
The Board of Trustees is in charge of “the big picture” for USNH. The Board looks at what we’re doing, where we’re going, and how this all fits into our mission. The Board operates under Policy Governance, a transparent system that establishes clear lines of authority and accountability while encouraging open communication. Policy Governance entrusts people with the freedom to do their jobs creatively and effectively. By design, it empowers all areas of the congregation. The Board develops policies that broadly guide the work of the Management Team. In a collaborative feedback process, the Board works with the Management Team to make sure that it’s carrying out its work according to the goals decided upon by the Board. You may read more about our governance model at this link.
Email our Board at board at usnh dot org.
Board meeting minutes for the current year are found here.
Board meeting minutes for the prior year are found here.
Management Team

Rev. Stephen Kendrick, Mark Bauer, Becky Friedkin, David Stagg
The Management Team is in charge of the day-to-day operations of our congregation. This includes everything from ensuring we treat one another with respect to making sure our facilities are maintained in good repair. It also includes financial planning and budgeting, communications, staffing, infrastructure, setting and implementing operational policies, and everything else that goes into making USNH a welcoming and safe place to be.
The Management Team works closely with our staff and dedicated committees and teams. In addition to the Minister, the Management Team comprises several lay leaders appointed by the Board. Current members of the Management Team are David Stagg, Becky Friedkin, Mark Bauer and Rev. Stephen Kendrick.
Contact the Management Team if you are interested in serving on the team in the future or would like more information about the responsibilities. Email the Management Team at management dot team at usnh dot org.
Elected Leadership
Members of the Board of Trustees, the Nominating Committee and the Endowment & Legacies Committee are elected by the congregation. Click here to see current elected leaders and their terms of office.
If you would like to learn more about these positions or potentially volunteer for elected leadership, email the Nominating Committee at nominating at usnh dot org.
The Council of Chairs
The Council of Chairs is made up of the leaders of committees and the Social Justice Council. It forms the connection between the Management Team and the hard-working volunteers who keep our community going strong. Committees and social justice task forces are always seeking new members – check one out!
Congregational Meetings

At least twice a year we hold a congregational meeting to vote on matters of concern to the entire congregation, including our budget and voting on elected leadership. All USNH members are permitted and encouraged to vote at meetings. Congregational meeting minutes for the current year are found here.
Want to learn more?
Information about our policies, organization, minutes, decisions and more are all found under About Us in Key Documents.