A Quick Guide to Getting Involved at USNH

USNH is an exciting place! We look forward to welcoming you and helping you find what you are looking for. Here are some quick pointers for getting involved right away:
- Subscribe to our weekly and monthly e-newsletters. Our weekly newsletter is sent out every Thursday afternoon, and is the best place to find out what's going on.
- On Sunday mornings, look at the service leaflet for late-breaking events and reminders; in addition, events are often announced from the pulpit.
- Various groups and task forces present tables in the Social Hall after Sunday services; check out the bulletin boards in the Social Hall for more news of functions and events.
- Want to get involved with a group working on issues of social justice? Visit the Social Justice page or email socialjustice@usnh.org.
- Want to help out with community functions, like greeting, fellowship, Sunday serving or membership? Visit "Committees and Teams" to learn more or email membership@usnh.org.
- We have lots of other ways to get connected, including Small Group Ministries, potlucks , Adult Education, Meditation programs, community conversations, and so much more. Visit the Beyond Sunday and Learn tabs to find out more!